Quick & delicious: Medjol dates with peanut butter and dark chocolate

Are you looking for a delicious snack for children on the go? Then we’ve got just the thing for you! Because honestly, there’s nothing more stressful than having hungry children on an outing. We know this all too well and over the years we have put together a small selection of recipes that we love to have with us on the go – and above all: that everyone really likes.

It’s always important to us that the snacks are quick to make, that we don’t have to go shopping for them, that they don’t take up much space in our rucksacks and that they are still a reasonably healthy source of energy.

Let’s start with a real favourite: Medjool dates, generously spread with creamy peanut butter, sprinkled with crunchy chopped peanuts and finally coated with dark chocolate and a pinch of salt. They are incredibly easy and quick to prepare – and also incredibly tasty.

Here’s our favourite recipe for the perfect snack for kids on the go, which is not only delicious but also provides an extra portion of energy on the go.


  • 300 g Medjool dates
  • 50 g peanut butter
  • 20 g unsalted peanuts
  • 100 g (vegan) dark chocolate, finely chopped
  • A pinch of coarse salt z. B. Fleur de Sel
  • Recipe:

  • Cut the dates lengthwise, stone them and press them slightly flat.
  • Place dates with the skin side down on a cutting board covered with baking paper to a rectangle and press flat.
  • Spread peanut butter generously on the dates.
  • Sprinkle chopped peanuts over the peanut butter.
  • Melt chocolate over a slightly boiling water bath.
  • Divide melted chocolate evenly over the peanuts.
  • Sprinkle a pinch of fleur de sel over the chocolate.
  • Play the date plate in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes until it is fixed.
  • Break or cut the chilled date plate into pieces and store in the refrigerator.
  • Enjoy and recharge your batteries on the go!
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